
S a i g o n / C r e a t i v e M o r n i n g

aSaigon/CreativeMorning is a monthly serving of fresh ideas, inspiration, coffee & breakfast. Initiated by creative professionals sensing a need for discourse, coffee and donuts, the non-profit aSaigon/CreativeMorning seeks to bring world-class creative thought leaders in for an intimate chat with young creatives on a monthly basis. All events are free of charge.

B a c k g r o u n d

Conceived originally by Tina Roth Eisenberg of the New York design studio & Blog, SwissMiss, CreativeMornings has spawned chapters in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Zurich with tremendous success. The blog receives over 900,000 views a month and speaker engagements often sell out in an hour. aSaigon/CreativeMorning is not affiliated with CreativeMornings but we are currently working with Ms. Eisenberg to become an official chapter.

O r g a n i z a t i o n

Mads Monsen/Photographer 
David Everitt-Carlson/Writer, Marketing Consultant 
George Nguyen /Managing Director, TBWA\Vietnam 
Sandrine Llouquet/Visual Artist
Nick Ross/Editor, The Word Magazine

The Wild Wild East Dailies

D a v i d E v e r i t t - C a r l s o n
Find me on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn. Read my blog: The Wild Wild East Dailies and keep up on our efforts with aSaigon/CreativeMorning.