Sunday, October 17, 2010

Welcome Wall Street Journal Online: WWED in the WSJ "Best of the Web Today"!

Advertising, Marketing, Journalism, business, Washington D.C., Obama, Vietnamese Advertising, Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Technorati,  Politics, , This week the Wild Wild East Dailies (WWED) welcomed the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) to its list of global publications (including the New York Times, Technorati and New York Magazine) to feature our stories. The link to WWED this week is featured under a story about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (go figure) under the headline "Questions Nobody is Asking". Our story, entitled "Why Don't Vietnamese Advertising Agencies Win Awards" certainly is a question nobody was asking on October 12th, the day of our mention, but what it had to do with Nancy Pelosi, I'll never figure out. Better to have a link than no link at all.

And to our great curiosity, some other people were curious about that as well. Within hours of the WSJ posting we began to see hits from WSJ with the city of Washington D.C. being a top visitor. Now ain't dat sumthin'? WWED is now influencing top Washington policy wonks on the finer points of the Vietnamese advertising business! Thank you WSJ. Hi Obama! We'll take a hit wherever we can get one. Clearly, it was a slow news day...
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The Wild Wild East Dailies

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