Thursday, September 17, 2009

What's Dem Damn New Widgets?

Widgets, David Everitt-Carlson, Twitter, Outbrain, Feedback, Interaction, wild wild east dailies, Here at the Wild Wild East Dailies (WWED for short) we're extremely concerned with reader input, reader satisfaction, reader interaction and feedback of all varieties, good and not so good - so we've recently instituted a few new widgets for you to get your clickers around.

The first is a "ReTweet" button for Twitter users. This button, as seen below, allows you to send a WWED post to Twitter, along with your personal 140 characters or so to let others know things like "Dave's totally off his meds now!" or "How the hell does this dude get from Vietnam to Paris, to Mali, to Munich on his piss-ant budget?" or "I believe David is actually a modern-day Jesus. Please read his post and see the gospel of our times". Please ReTweet at will. It will work automatically, so long as you are signed in to your Twitter account at the time of ReTweeting.

The second one you'll see is a nifty little 5-star rating system from This clever device allows you to love me or trash me, all with a click of the index finger, and I will never know who you are, friend or foe. This button works for all and there is no sign-up, no needing to join another worthless service and no spam in return. Just simply click on the star of your choice and be done with it. I hope you will all take the opportunity of using both of these interactions at your own convenience. They're both fun, quick and painless and help me add yet a few more interactions to the blog.

And as always, please leave your comments on the individual posts themselves. My love in writing starts first with your love in reading and the comments I get are essentially my pay for a job well done, or sloppily done, as I might on odd days. I thank you all for your time, devotion, attention and virtual love. It ain't easy traversing the globe and dragging a whole blog around with me. Without your support, I would have been just stuck on the tarmac in Hanoi. Cheers! Now click away...

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The Wild Wild East Dailies

D a v i d E v e r i t t - C a r l s o n
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