Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Dreams: The loose canon manifesto III

Dreams are persnickety and fickle things
living totally in space, untethered to anyone
And if no one shares them with us, they go away
Dreams take confidence
Dreams take planning
Dreams exist
Dreams keep us going
Dreams pervade our waking hours
but without trying to realize them, are worthless
Dreams have no use for the conflicted
Without love, dreams die
Dreams are not selfish
they invite us all

For more in the Loose Canon Manifesto see:

Grace: The Loose Canon Manifesto I
Hope: The Loose Canon Manifesto II
Dreams: The Loose Canon Manifesto III

Soulmates: The Loose Canon Manifesto IV


  1. Beautiful Poetry.TRUTH!! Actually David... I heard the UK was a better show than Amsterdam... but NO Matter... Your DREAM came through... You had your Victory, a Dream of a Lifetime, and you braved all adversity... Bless You David.. I am so very very Glad you were able to see Todd Rundgren and AWATS the Greatest thing ont he Planet...because the Universe is ONE BIG GUITAR !! LOVE, CHERRY XOXO


The Wild Wild East Dailies

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