Hope collides with wisdom.
Hope lies in tiny feet yearning for attention.
Hope kills bad ideas.
Hope defeats giants.
Hope is the only virtue that, all on it's own, affords one to always feel they have a chance - against all odds.
Hope is right.
Hope comes.
Hope goes.
Hope is definitely a choice.
Hope glides.
Hope chides.
Hope arises above the ashes.
Hope is what's left of anything once all reasonable means of understanding have vanished.
Hope takes you home.
Hope cleanses. Hope refreshes. Hope lives.
Hope is the only thing you can give to a friend who has lost it. As opposed to advice.
Hope is what you see in the sparkle of the eye of someone you love.
Hope saves.
Hope pits the pure grace of god against the devil's divides. And wins.
Hope never subsides.
Hope is inside you.
Hope is contagious.
Hope is incurable.
Hope loves. Unconditionally.
Hope reminds those who have lost it.
Hope comes back.
I hope.
for my friend
For more in the Loose Canon Manifesto see:
Grace: The Loose Canon Manifesto I
Hope: The Loose Canon Manifesto II
Dreams: The Loose Canon Manifesto III
Soulmates: The Loose Canon Manifesto IV