Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Fear Is My Friend...

n Couple of demons rose up this week  and I must admit, they sidelined me for a couple of days. Betwix, between and totally out of sorts. Until I sorted it out. And oddly, as it may fear of the dark iron maiden, dont fear the reaper blue oyster cult, tears for fears, fear factory, fear, no fear, ray herrera fear factory, fear factor, iron maiden fear of the dark, don't fear the reaper, fear factor recipes, fear itself, fear factory demanufacture, fear factory soul of a new machine, fear before the march of flames, dont fear the reaper, the six basic fears and how to eliminate them, fear and loathing, fear and loathing in las vegas, tears for fears lyrics, fear factor nudity, fear factor stunts, primal fear, cape fear community college, tears for fears mad world, fear of the dark, fear of heights, cape fear, fear of flying, fear of elevation, no fear logo, tears for fears mp3, keane hopes and fearshave been, Hillary Clinton was my clincher. She played on the fear of voters by saber-rattling over Iran and that just massively irked me. But it worked for her, sorry to say.n Oh, those insecure Pennsylvanians. (Guns. church, whatever...) Wouldn't do well out-of-country. But in my case things were a bit more personal, and close to the heart. The evil-doers have yet to face the judges on what I believe were their misdeeds. But I now have a strategy. Fear is my friend. n And I'm gonna grab it like a god. I'm gonna love and kiss it and fucking choke it to death in front of it's own bleeding heart. n Because I can. Because I own it. n Took me awhile to realize, fear does not own me.n In other news, imagine a man on a bicycle, but this bicycle's got a cart mounted to it in front making it a three wheeled sort of affair. In the cart is enough gravel to fill 5 or 6 wheelbarrows - maybe 10. Since it is very heavy, there is another man on a motorbike, riding alongside. This man keeps one leg extended out and placed on the hub of the rear wheel of the bicycle man's cart. Together they will get this load of gravel down the road. They may repeat this trip 10 or 20 times in a day. This is the sort of thing one sees everyday in a country where skyscrapers are sprouting up faster than mangroves. n There is an amazing spirit of just doing things here. To catch up with a developed country there is virtually no end to the work. It goes on 24 hours a day. n
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