Monday, July 19, 2010

From Eno to Rotten: Stream of subconciousness V

Picasso, DaVinci, Emotional Abuse, Art Therapy, Alfred Hitchcock, Brian Eno, Jonny Rotten, Johnny Lydon, PIL, Picasso, DaVinci, Emotional Abuse, Art Therapy, Alfred Hitchcock, Brian Eno, Jonny Rotten, Johnny Lydon, PIL, And which artist was normal? Recently I was told by two people that they were "normal" people and I was something other than normal - seemingly because I choose an artistic path from which to do business in life and they did not. I found the whole perspective odd. Do I think other people are abnormal because they are not like me? That's what I was being told. @ I read the characteristics of a person who is prone to emotional and physical abuse of others and realized I had been affected by two such people recently. It made me wonder what kind of signals I am giving off if people feel they can abuse me @ I was called a spoiled brat, a brilliant writer, a consummate professional, a visionary, a poor speller and a marketing has-been, all by different people and for different reasons. @ I am having a peanut butter and jelly sandwich at 3am. @ Due to a leg injury I have been in my house most of the week, only going out briefly and painfully. It reminded me of the liner notes on a Brian Eno album where he composed ambient music because he was bedridden - the notes also had some instructions as to how to wire up a third speaker to a standard stereo that would give you a third, sort of bass channel in the room. I don't remember exactly. I also thought about Alfred Hitchcock's "Rear Window" with Jimmy Stewart where he thinks he witnesses a murder in another apartment across the courtyard from his, when he is kept in with a broken leg. Count how many light switches Grace Kelley turns on each time she enters his apartment. There's a clue as to how Hitch built suspense in his films by setting up patterns and then altering them at key moments. @ This last week saw me write 700 words on a charity program in Vietnam, 500 more revised for a story on Internet privacy and then 3000 on Art Therapy. I knew least about Art Therapy and must have put more than 10 hours in it. @ Reminded this week that I have a complete stereo system and over 5000 CDs, LPs and tapes in a storage building in Seoul and need to sort out what to do with them. @ Someone from New York asked if I could meet them in Beirut to "do some damage" meaning have fun. Sadly I couldn't. @ An old business colleague writes: "Wow. Doing your own thing sounds wonderfully exhilarating and free. I'd love to try something like that. I haven't got the faintest idea how to start (or perhaps just not the balls)." He was on the board at a top ten agency and then President of another. @ So many people seem to envy my choices in life and as many more are mad at me or jealous of those choices in some way. I am not rich. I don't recall people saying much when I had a lot more money, so maybe I'm doing something right. @ I have no idea what is normal these days. That's the kind of week I'm having. @ Cooking class tomorrow. @ Johnny (Rotten) Lydon closes out the podcast today.

Post Script: Having finished this post, I received this note from another old colleague and friend:

"I’ve been dipping in and out of your blog over the last few months and find nuggets with each venture. You really are out there and I like it. Brilliant. Would anybody who has ever known you expect anything else? I’ve been sharing it with some of the creatives here. I’m still a production guy but I’m always seeking out brain food to feed the creative animal in and around me. Hence, I think a few associates might have sought you out as a link—in case you’re wondering.

As our magazine business here creeps toward iPad and ePub and the like I find this new social media fascinating and mysterious. Even at this point in my career I find it necessary to develop the new tools and mindset for survival in this industry. Some of your blog feeds my education.

Thanks old pal."


  1. Interesting comment on your lack of normalcy. Normal? I've been providing psychotherapy since 1975 and have observed and entered the world of thousands who question their being normal or abnormal. My conclusions? There is no "normal". Is David normal? Good god, I hope not. Because if there is a normal, the state would be pointless and exceedingly dull. Normal might be meeting the expectations of others. Think of Fritz Perls, "I am not here to meet your expectations and you are not here to meet my expectations." People go nuts trying to be normal, i.e. meet others' expectations. David, I suggest smiling, taking on the status quo, and enjoying the arrogance of others who seem to thrive as others seek acceptance from the normal. Their linear logic helps create their madness. Nobody calls me normal, and I like that. However, your early years of lousy spelling do point at a proclivity for even trying to spell against the rules. Gooood luc!

    Kenneth J. Herrmann, Jr., LCSW
    Associate Professor, Dept. of Social Work
    Director, The College at Brockport Vietnam Program
    Exec. Director, Danang/Quang Nam Fund, Inc.
    Phone: 585-395-5507 or 585-762-8882

  2. Thanks Kenneth;

    So I can go back to being f---ed-up now, all is okay. What a relief!

  3. Nice and thoughtful as I believe it resonates soundly. Thanks for putting the Lydon interview on as well. Made my day.


The Wild Wild East Dailies

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