Tuesday, February 19, 2008

MicroHoo or NewsHoo?

$50 Billion Price Tag Puts Pressure on Microsoft to Up Its Bid for Portal

"NEW YORK (AdAge.com) -- Want to talk about massive display share? Forget Yahoo and Microsoft -- it's Yahoo and News Corp. that could shake up that world."

The story above from Advertising Age magazine points squarely to the fact that News Corporation's advantage here would be the ability to offer advertisers package deals that would cover print, television and internet placements – something Microsoft just can't offer – business growth. If the deal sells it won't be the extra 5 billion or so in the offer price that does it but the possibilities of advertisers dollars and the ability to access content from News Corps stable of media enterprises over time. Here in Asia the combination of Murdoch's Star TV, newspapers and Yahoo would be more than powerful.

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