Saturday, June 13, 2009

WildWildEast is now my Facebook URL

Yes, this morning in true geek fashion I awoke to set my Facebook URL at 12 midnight Eastern Standard time in the US which turned out to be 11am here in Vietnam. Much has been made over the last week about making sure you register early so no one else can steal your name and as it turns out, that was of importance to me. is owned by a real estate agent in Los Angeles. is owned by a name-squatter in Florida and is owned by an artist in Japan, so it was important that I own WWE on Facebook.
My other choice of course, was WildWildEastDailies, which is the name of the blog but I didn't figure that would be too much in demand and it's already 7 slots on page one when you Google it - and my own name, no matter how you configure it, seems to be doing a good enough job on it's own of helping old friends find me and old bill collectors not find me, so I decided that WildWildEast would be my FB handle, since that is the name of the book and what got this whole enterprise started in the first place.

So here's the ticket: You should see the picture on this post when you get there.

Check in. Be my friend. Don't sign me up for any stupid
"Vampire Bit Me" or "Here's a Virtual-Frigging Drink" games and we'll be good to go. See you on #FB!

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The Wild Wild East Dailies

D a v i d E v e r i t t - C a r l s o n
Find me on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn. Read my blog: The Wild Wild East Dailies and keep up on our efforts with aSaigon/CreativeMorning.