Sunday, June 14, 2009

I Woke Up Drunk Today: Sweet Dreams VI - Interpretation Please

I woke up drunk today, at 9pm and I could feel all the woosiness of being drunk. But I wasn't drunk, I had just been taking a nap and been dreaming I was drunk. My old buddies from college, Richmond and Wellman and people from early in my career like Dwelle and Valz have missed our train back to civilization from some holiday destination. The are two half eaten hamburger crescents and I am hungry. A large, soft woman with full lips and absolutely gargantuan breasts presses up against me. She is soft and hungry. A wetwarm kiss like a kiss from the largest mother nature you have ever seen ensues. She is beautiful. I am enveloped. A pelvic press. I know who she is now, but I cannot tell you. We must stay for another day because of the train miss, but that's not so bad. Only problem is we are out of beer and probably out of money for beer. And then I wake up.

For more Sweet Dreams Click below:

VI: I Woke Up Drunk Today
V: Homecoming
IV: All In A Mouse's Night
III: Fragmented Fermentations
II: Strange Dreams
I: White Huskies: Interpretation please?

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The Wild Wild East Dailies

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