Sunday, May 30, 2010

My problem: I Know Who I Am

And that should be a problem? To some it is - because maybe they don't know who they are, and in some way, wish they were more like me. It makes others unhappy that I know exactly.

I know who I am when I am happy. And I know who I am when I am sad. I am master of my own psyhchology and even when drunk or provoked, never far off from the truth. I am part of my dad and part of my mom and part of my adopted dad and mum. I am kind and essentially truthful, although being totally that way can sometimes be bad PR. And I am totally, absolutely behind what I am good at, and where I should be putting my energy and where I should be wasting no energy.

Last year I spent a lot of time with someone who is now off far away again trying to find herself and I am not sure that is a valid concept at all. Isn't it rather that we all truly do know who we are but try our whole lives trying to find the place where we belong? And that's not a physical place mind you - maybe more a metaphysical place - a place in the hearts of others. I think that's where the energy should be spent rather than wasting time trying to prove to others that we are who they want us to be - sons, daughters, students, good soldiers - whatever.

I was inspired to write this today by a visit from
the lost girl yesterday and this post on finding ourselves by Jonathan Harris.
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The Wild Wild East Dailies

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