A few weeks ago I referenced Nick Marx's Wazzala site as a site to watch in the TechCrunch50 and here we have it: Wazzala has made the first round cut with my buddy Nicholas Marx at the helm. W
azzala is an idea that helps Asian students prepare for English college entrance exams and if you have any understanding of the 30 billion (that's a "B") dollar worldwide education market, you understand how bright, and right, this idea is. Here's the letter they sent to him, informing him of Wazzala's forward motion: Way cool.================================================
"So I got this email inviting me to an interview from the TechCrunch50 conference. Even if I don't make it, I know now my idea has legs." = Nick Dear TechCrunch50 Applicant:
We hope you're ready! Would like to invite you to select a time to demo your product using use the link below: With our Final notification date coming son on august 11, these are our final 3 days for Round I demos so we thank you for making yourself available. This will be a very brief, 10 minute demo overview where
we would like to see your technology demonstrated using a web conference, screenshots or video of what you can do. The total time is 10 minutes, so please use your time wisely. Your Reviewer will contact you at the appointed date and time so also make sure the contact and demo information are correct on your Application under "How to Access your Demo" section. Also, please use all time slots available, no additional times will be released past Wednesday. For help in preparing your presentation, visit our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page at www.techcrunch50.com or e-mail us at Schedule@techcrunch50.comGood Luck!
The TechCrunch50 Team================================================
...and good luck Nick! I'm just gettin' warmed up for BarCampSaigon!