Saturday, October 31, 2009

Big News! We're being Trakkd! - Nothing Much Happened in München Today III that's quite the big deal. Just this last week the Wild Wild East Dailies was selected for inclusion by Trakkrz boasts being “the world’s largest hand-picked blog site on the web.” and when they say "hand-picked" that means that somebody actually reads it and evaluates your writing before you are approved. And considering the eclectic nature of WWED, I was more than pleased to be included in the "Life" category on Trakkrz. That category alone features fewer than 100 blogs so that puts us in some pretty exclusive company. Other blogs included on Trakkrz are Seth Godin's and my friend Hugh MacLeod's

In order to be selected, your blog must meet the following criteria: consistent, regular stream of articles * written primarily about the topic for which you are chosen for * write original, relevant articles that provide a unique view – you are not a news aggregator, not an automated blog scraping website – rather a live blogger with excellent content * you are an individual or a small group writing together.

And so I'm happy. This thing is going somewhere. And not knowing exactly just where is all part of the fun.

Additionally this week Technorati revised their blog rating system and we recieved a more than pleasant surprise. The Wild Wild East Dailies has risen in Authority ranking from 4 to 103 and our blog relativity to the Technorati Top 100 has grown to 78.000 from a previous high of 350,000. Most of this is due to Technorati's cleaning of the system and a more accurate verification of real blogs vs. scam blogs. Thanks Technorati and Trakkrz I'll just keep writing.

For more on blogs, blogging and bloggers, check here:

Advertising People & Blogs - The Travis Diaries VI
How to Write the Best Damn Blog in the World
Throw That Blog a Bone!
If Blogs Are Free Are They Worthless?
What If Gutenberg Had a Blog?
If You Like the Blog, Read the Book>/a>
2008 Annual Report - The Wild Wild East Dailies
Blog Redesign WWED
BarCamp Saigon 2008
Attraction vs. Conversion - How to Power Your Blog
Are the Bloggerati Missing the Market?

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The Wild Wild East Dailies

D a v i d E v e r i t t - C a r l s o n
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