Riddle me this Batman? Why, twice in the last two weeks, have I been credited with mentioning both Guy Kawasaki's blog and Kevin Miller's blog by Technorati? Why are both these people getting a "blog reaction" from me when I haven't written a darn thing about either of them recently? Now don't get me wrong, I have nothing against either man and I don't think there's anything nefarious going on but Technorati.com, the self proclaimed authority on blog tracking, seems to think that I am mentioning stories from both these guys in my blog and that, just simply, hasn't happened. Here's the link to Guy Kawasaki's blog that I supposedly mentioned.
As always his blog is interesting but I didn't say squat about this post...and www.Technorati.com sez I did. Hmmm. Here's also a link to Kevin Miller's blog.
Now, Mr. Kawasaki and I have never met, although we do have a mutual friend in Hugh MacLeod, but Kevin Miller and I did work together at American International School (AIS) this summer.
So here's the riddle: Is it possible to actually "manufacture" a perceived reference to an article or has Technorati messed up in some way? The reason I ask is that these "false positives" contribute to the said blog owner's "authority" rating on Technorati, thus making them more "popular" in terms of reference rating. Now I doubt that either one of these guys gives a damn, as both of their blogs are rated so, so much higher than mine but I'm asking myself, "So what do I get out of this deal?" And the answer is "O", zip, nada, sQuat with a capital Q!
And here's the kicker! By writing this post, I AM actually giving both these guys a reference! Damn. I think they should both give me a big fat Nuclear kiss!
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