Friday, December 4, 2009

Is Iran's Ahmadinedschad Just Polishing His Missle or Is He Serious? - The Vietnamese Nuclear Physics Quiz VII

Boy howdy, it's been awhile since we had our normal Vietnamese Nuclear Physics Quiz but we're happy to be back along with one of our luscious Vietnamese Ph.D.s giving us the skinny on that bad boy, Ahmadinedschad and what he's up to. This is Dr. Mai Phat Bich - and trust us, this physicist knows her missles. Now, about my move to Germany. I've thought long and hard about this and our girl here helped me to truly understand the meaning of long and hard, so here's the deal. Even though I've relocated to Europe, The Vietnamese Nuclear Physics quiz will go on! Especially since I'm now living in the land of J. Robert Oppenheimer's ancestors. So let's let's move along. Below, you'll find a question in Bold Faced Type. Consider the question, come up with your answer, and then "mouse over" (just roll the cursor over it - don't click) the question to reveal our physicist's answer. Should you disagree with it, we'll be more than happy to have Dr. Bich take a wack at that little head you're doing all your thinking with.

"Is Ahmadinedschad really building a bomb?"

For more quizzes, check here:

Iran's Ahmadinedschad - The Vietnamese Nuclear Physics Quiz VII
Did Sarah Palin Just Nuke Herself? - The Vietnamese Nuclear Physics Quiz VI
Vietnamese Nuclear Physics Quiz V
Vietnamese Nuclear Physics Quiz IV
Vietnamese Nuclear Physics Quiz III
Vietnamese Nuclear Physics Quiz II
Vietnamese Nuclear Physics Quiz I.

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The Wild Wild East Dailies

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